Student Leadership Opportunities | Western Technical College

Student Leadership Opportunities

John Bosshard Leadership Fund

This fund is available to Western's student clubs for activities, events, and programs that develop competencies and encourage initiative related to leadership skills.

Western Technical College believes the development of effective leadership skills and attitudes is an important part of a student's education. The Foundation and the college believe it is the college's responsibility to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate initiative and resourcefulness in gaining leadership skills.

The Bosshard Leadership Fund was established to foster and encourage the development of leadership skills in students at Western. The ultimate goal of the fund is for competent, resourceful, and dedicated leaders to take their place in, and make a contribution to, the community and the country.

The Foundation and the College believe that student clubs, organizations, and activities that best support this goal should be recognized and rewarded. The Bosshard Leadership Fund will be used to foster activities, events, and programs that develop competencies related to leadership skills.

Contact us

Foundation Office

Physical Address:
Foundation Office 
Coleman Center, Room 111

Mailing Address:
Western Technical Foundation 
400 7th St North
La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: 608-785-9487