Viewbook | Western Technical College


Western has so much to offer, that it can seem overwhelming or even intimidating to get started. To provide an overview of available options, we have created video and interactive Viewbooks that give helpful facts, descriptions of our services, a taste of student life, and summaries of our 90+ programs. Check out our current course catalog to see what classes we're offering.

Interactive Viewbook

Click the cover image to open the interactive Viewbook, then click on the links within the document to learn more about topics that interest you.

Western 2024-2025 Viewbook Cover

Click here for a printable Viewbook.

Video Viewbook

Course Catalog

Want to see the courses Western is currently offering? View a PDF of our course catalog for a complete list of courses and course descriptions.

Course Descriptions

We're here to help!

Once you’ve had a glimpse of Western, we would love to tell you more. You can request more information below or contact us.