Your Rights
Title IX provides students who are pregnant or experience a false pregnancy, have a child or adopt a child, terminate a pregnancy or have a miscarriage with special services as it provides to students with other temporary medical conditions. As a student with one of these conditions, you have the right to:
- Not be told to drop out or change education plans
- Be provided a comfortable space that is clean and shielded from view to pump milk
- Be excused from class due to pregnancy-related appointments (pre-natal, give birth, have an abortion or be on doctor-ordered bed rest)
- Not have excused absences count against your grades
- Be provided the opportunity to make up missed work from excused absences
- Be allowed to take a voluntarily leave of absence
- Be allowed to voluntarily access any separate and comparable portion of the College’s education program or activity if such a comparable portion of the program or activity is available.
- Not be harassed as the result of pregnancy
- Only provide documentations when necessary and reasonable for modification request
- Reasonable modifications may include, but are not limited to,
- breaks during class to express breast milk, breastfeed, or attend to health needs associated with pregnancy or related conditions, including eating, drinking, or using the restroom;
- intermittent absences to attend medical appointments;
- access to online or homebound education;
- changes in schedule or course sequence;
- extensions of time for coursework and rescheduling of tests and examinations;
- allowing a student to sit or stand, or carry or keep water nearby;
- counseling;
- changes in physical space or supplies (for example, access to a larger desk or a footrest);
- elevator access; or other changes to policies, practices, or procedures.
- Be allowed to have discretion to accept or decline each reasonable modification offered
Title IX does not assist with childcare issues, bonding time or similar parenting situations and challenges. What is meant by the context of Title IX is the medical recovery from the above conditions listed.
Private Wellness Rooms for Personal Needs
Western has designated Wellness rooms for personal use, including lactation (breast pumping). Under Wisconsin law, women may breastfeed their child in any area where the general public is allowed to go.
The Wellness rooms are located in Coleman Room 252, Student Success Center Room 110, and the Administrative Building Room 219.
All the rooms have a small fridge, sitting chair, and lock from the inside. There should be a slider that indicates when a room is in use.
The Rights of Fathers
Some of the same protections and accommodations apply to fathers as well; however, in some situations, fathers will not receive the same modifications due to the nature of pregnancy and recovery.
Apply for Title IX Pregnancy Modifications
Pregnancy and parenting modification is available for all Western students. For modifications, contact Kris Follansbee, Manager of Access Services, at 608-785-9875 or
The Modification Process
- Pregnant students are encouraged, but not required, to contact the Title IX Coordinator and Manager of Access Services early in their pregnancy. Modification rights are not made until you have contacted Access Service and completed the required paperwork.
- Western's Access Services will guide the student in obtaining appropriate medical documentation of their condition and the medical basis for modifications. Modifications are implemented based on what is determined by the medical provider.
- Access Services will work with the students and their instructors to implement the modifications.
- The student is ultimately responsible for obtaining the appropriate medical documentation. Access Services will help guide you through the process and answer all of your questions.
Discrimination against a person on the basis of past or current parental status, pregnancy and related conditions, and marital status is a violation of Western policy and federal law. Those who believe they were subject to discrimination may file a complaint or contact the Title IX Coordinator, Ge Vang, at 608-785-9444 or or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Margy Krogman, at 608-785-9880 or