About BIS | Western Technical College

About BIS

As an employer, growing and improving your business is the most significant way to impact your bottom line. Business and Industry Services Division (BIS) at Western Technical College is committed to providing solutions that meet your needs as you strive to improve employee productivity, quality, and satisfaction. To accommodate your busy schedule, we are happy to customize and deliver training and other solutions on-site at your convenience. You can work with us to customize content of any credit, noncredit, or professional development course to meet your organization's specific requirements and goals.



Western Technical College Business and Industry Services will work with all facets of your organization and based on your individual priorities, deliver a solution either at your worksite, at Western locations in La Crosse or throughout the region. Whatever your need - computer skills training, project management, conflict resolution, supervisory skills, strategic planning, or market assessment - we can develop the right solution. We also service Southeast Minnesota and Northeast Iowa.

Our Trainers

Computer Mary Nowaczyk
Cindy Prindle
Food Service Kim Granum
Business Carolyn Colleen
Ashley Foreman
Mabel Gehrett
Cindy Glawe
Kim Granum
Jill Grennan
Gretchen Heilman
Elva Helwig
Roxane Herricks
Lance Hughey
Steve McCombs
Ray Slattery
Lynette Teal
Max Vang
Terrelle Wilson
Healthcare Margy Lentz
Elaine Kurzydlo
Marcia Robbins
Kris Stegemeyer
Trade Eric Artschwager
Alex Bahl
Eric Bauer
Saad Islam
Phil Hess
Ben Heyer
Bob Krug
Joe Lake
Steve McCombs
John Nevin
David Scafe
Mike Stewart
Bruce Vongroven
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