Western Board Appointment Process | Western Technical College

Western Board Appointment Process

Appointed boards govern the 16 Wisconsin Technical College System districts. District boards have statutory authority to levy property taxes, provide for facilities and equipment, contract for instructional services, and appoint a district president who serves as chief executive officer for the district. The district president is responsible for local administration, including setting academic and grading standards, hiring instructional and other staff, and providing auxiliary services and budget management. Each district is governed by an appointed board composed of nine members who serve three-year, staggered terms.

The Board Appointment Committee of Western Technical College has adopted a plan of representation, which gives equal consideration to the general population distribution throughout the District as well as the distribution of women and minorities. The plan of representation also meets the requirements of Wisconsin Statute 38.08(1)(a) which states a District Board shall administer the district and shall be composed of nine members who are residents of the district and consist of: two employers, two employees, two additional members, one school district administrator as defined in s. 115.001(8), Stats., and one elected official who holds a state or local office as defined in s. 5.02, Stats., except for the office of party committeeman or party committeewoman.

Want to learn more about the district board? Watch a district board training video created by WTCS.

Current Board Vacancies

The categories with impending vacancies (terms are July 1, 2025–June 30, 2028) in 2025 are:

  • Employee
  • Employer
  • Additional member

Application materials can be found online on the WTCS website and at the La Crosse County Administrative Center, 212 6th St N, La Crosse, WI.
(The application will require two letters of reference supporting your candidacy.)

Applications and letters of reference must be submitted to Jessica Pintz, Western Technical College, Administrative Center, 2nd floor, 111 7th St N, La Crosse, WI, between January 31 and no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, 2025, or emailed to pintzj@westerntc.edu.

Plan of Representation


Type of Representation Term Expires
Employee Member 2027
Employee Member 2028
School District Administration 2027
Employer Member 2027
Employer Member 2028
Additional Member 2026
Additional Member 2026
Additional Member 2028
Elected Official 2026

There are four (4) important requirements all candidates must meet in order to be eligible for WTCS district board membership. They must:

  1. Be residents of the technical college district in which they are applying for board membership;
  2. Submit a properly completed application/affidavit that is received by the district board appointment committee within 14 days of the published announcement requesting applications;
  3. Attend a district board appointment committee public hearing in person and be interviewed; and
  4. Have at least two (2) written references submitted with the application/affidavit supporting their candidacy.

Board Member Category

  1. Additional Member: All district residents are eligible to serve as an additional member.
  2. Elected Official: A state or local elected official (city council, common council, county board, school board, sheriff, state legislature, town board, town clerk, village board).
  3. Employee: One who does not meet the definition of Employer, or who is an officer or agent of a labor organization. An employee receives earnings as payment for personal services and is employed in the district.
  4. Employer: Responsibility for exercising independent judgment in determining or effectively recommending any of the actions below for the business employees and receipt of earnings as payment for personal services will identify district residents as an eligible candidate for the Employer category. Representatives of labor organizations (officers or agents) are considered employees regardless of their responsibilities. Generally, public employees at or above the division administrator level are considered employers if they have the authority to recommend any of the following:
    • Hire
    • Transfer
    • Suspend
    • Lay off
    • Discipline
    • Adjust grievance
    • Reward
    • Promote
    • Recall
    • Discharge
    • Assign

    The form of the business organization that employs people; e.g., sole proprietorship, limited liability corporation, partnership, etc., is not conclusive in determining the status as an employer. Being actively engaged in business with a business license, state tax identification number, business listing in the phone directory, business cards and current employees are all supportive of determining the status of employer.

  5. School District Administrator: Must be employed by a school board or a school district located within the WTCS district as defined by s. 115.01(3), Wis. Stats.