Fire Safety | Western Technical College

Fire Safety

What to Expect from a Fire Inspection Webinar

Preparing for a fire safety inspection is critical, especially for businesses subject to unscheduled inspections. With unscheduled inspections, fire inspectors are looking to see what the building’s working and safety conditions are like during a typical day, and not just on the day when managers have specifically prepared for inspection. Being prepared at all times greatly enhances the likelihood of passing a drop-in inspection.  Knowledge is the best way to be prepared for any fire safety inspection. In this session, we will answer some of your most frequently asked questions:

  • What is a fire safety inspection?
  • What happens during a fire safety inspection?
  • How do I prepare for a fire safety inspection?

Western’s On-site Fire Safety Consultation Program

Staying up to code includes understanding the fire safety precautions that will help prevent devastating losses from fire. Fire safety inspectors ensure that equipment, such as sprinkler systems, smoke alarms, fire doors, and fire alarms perform as they should. Western consultants bring their industry experience and training to your business and assist in identifying potential Fire Safety hazards while developing and accessing controls for fire citation abatement. 

Call us today at 608-785-9232 to get started in preparing for a Fire Safety inspection.

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